Aim High, Fly High
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you had a lovely Christmas break and welcome back to Year 5! I am really looking forward to this coming term and our exciting residential trip to Burwell House. We’re also looking forward to the 3, 4, 5 production this term. More information to come!
As always, we have a very busy Spring term ahead of us, starting with our ‘World War 2’ topic in which we learn about all the major events of World War 2 as well as the causes. We will be studying ‘Where The Poppies Grow’ by Hilary Robinson in our English lessons to start this half-term. More information on our topics can be found on the Year 5 Topic Overview.
This term’s PE lessons will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit (school PE T-shirt with logo on or plain white/black/navy t-shirt, joggers or shorts, trainers and normal school jumper). Children are welcome to bring in a fruit or vegetable snack to eat during morning playtime. We encourage children to bring a named bottle of water to drink during the day.
Homework will be given out at the beginning of each half term. Each chosen piece from the optional home learning grid must be completed in their home learning book and handed in on Wednesdays.
In addition, children will be given compulsory weekly spellings, which will be tested every Friday, and times tables to learn, which will be tested every Monday. To support your child in learning these essential facts and spellings, they have access to Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Shed, both of which they should play as often as possible. Your child should read regularly at home.
If you have any queries, please contact the office who will pass on the message to me. I will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.
I look forward to you working with me to help your child to have a great term.
Best wishes,
Mr Yarde-Leavett